To create subaccounts, please follow these steps:

  • Log in as the Account Owner:
    Ensure you are logged in with the account owner credentials. Account owners always have full permissions over a client account.
  • Navigate to Account Details:
    Go to the "Account Details" section, which is typically found in your account settings.
  • Go to User Management:
    Within "Account Details," locate and select the "User Management" option.
  • Invite New User:
    In the "User Management" section, click on "Invite New User".
  • Enter the User's Email:
    Enter the email address of the user you want to add as a subaccount. Ensure the email is correct to avoid any issues with the invitation.
  • Send Invitation:
    Choose the appropriate permissions based on the role and responsibilities of the new user. 
  • Send Invitation:
    Once you have chosen the necessary permissions, send the invitation. The subuser who has been invited will receive an email with an invitation with instructions on how to complete their subaccount setup.
  • User Accepts Invitation:
    The invited user needs to accept the invitation by following the link in the email and completing the registration process.


To effectively manage various aspects of your account, such as DNS management, nameserver management, and SSL certificate configuration, you may create subaccounts with specific permissions. When setting up a subaccount, please ensure the appropriate checkboxes are selected based on the required access levels. 

For instance:

If you want to create a Tech Administrator user for domain/product management, which includes DNS management, name server management, and SSL certificate configuration, please select the following options:


This example demonstrates that subaccounts have the necessary permissions to perform their assigned tasks.

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