- Login to Your Account
- View list of Registered Domains:
Go to the Domains -> My Domain section in the header to see the list of your registered domains. Note that you can only set DNS records for active domains (marked with an "Active" icon).
- Navigate to DNS Management:
Click on the "Action" menu of the selected domain. Select "Manage Domain" from the dropdown. In the sidebar, navigate to the "DNS Management" section.
- Add DNS Records:
Specify the type of record (A, CNAME, TXT, etc.) and add the required data.
Please note:
If you are using private (custom) nameservers to point your domain to your web host, you will not be able to manage DNS records such as A, CNAME, MX, and TXT on our service. You will need to add DNS records with your external web host. You can check your current nameservers in the "Nameservers" section from the sidebar menu under "Manage Domain".
- Click “Save Changes” button
A new empty row will appear automatically after saving changes.