• Navigate to the Domains Section:
    In the menu bar, click on "Domains" to access the domain management section
  • Select Transfer:
    Within the "Domains" section, find and click on "Transfer"
  • Authorisation code
    To initiate a transfer you will need to obtain the authorization code from your current registrar. 
  • Check your domain configuration

Please, note: When transferring your domain, nameservers will not be automatically transferred from another registrar. If you want to use custom nameservers, please enter them below. By default, new domains will use our nameservers.

  • Proceed to Checkout:
    Review your cart and proceed to the checkout page.
  • Confirm and Complete Payment:
    Review your order details, confirm the purchase, and complete the payment process.
  • Confirm the Transfer
    After payment, you’ll get an email notification from Space Lama that we have started the domain transfer procedure
    The current registrar should also send a notice to the domain owner's contact information, requesting confirmation of the transfer
    We recommend contacting your previous registrar to inquire about their capacity to manually approve and facilitate the transfer.
    If the domain is unlocked at the current registrar and the EPP code is correct, we will initiate a transfer at the registry, which will be completed within 5-7 days.
  • Completion of the transfer:
    After receiving confirmations from both registrars, the domain registry will update the registrar information. You will then receive an email notification confirming the successful transfer of your domain to Space Lama.
  • Checking domain information and setting up:
    Make sure that all the contact details remain correct after the transfer.
    Update the DNS server settings to ensure that the domain is working properly
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